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Book Publications  

The Resharicle Pulse - Motivating Knowledge LLC - 2024 - NEW

New Directions in Project ManagementAuerbach / CRC Press 2002

Project Management Auerbach Publications / CRC Press, 2000

Systems Development Handbook 4th Edition – Auerbach Publications / CRC Press 2000

Handbook of Systems Development 1999 – Auerbach Publications / CRC Press 1999

Handbook of Applications Development 2nd Edition – Auerbach Publications / RIA Group 1997

Applications Development (1996-97 Yearbook) – Auerbach Publications / RIA Group 1996

Handbook of Applications Development – Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1995

Tinnirello’s Dilemmas – Software Maintenance News Inc 1994

Handbook of Systems Management: Development and Support (1994-95 Yearbook) - Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1994

Handbook of Systems Management: Development and Support (1993-94 Yearbook) - Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1993

Handbook of Systems Management: Development and Support 2nd Edition- Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1989

Handbook of Systems Management: Development and Support (1991-92 Yearbook) - Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1991

Handbook of Systems Management: Development and Support (1990-91 Yearbook) - Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1991

Handbook of Systems Management: Development and Support - Auerbach Publications / Warren, Gorham & Lamont 1989


IT Projects Need a Yard Stick - Eweek, May 2, 2005

Who’s Out of Alignment? – Eweek, March 2, 2005

Feds Should Watch Vendors – Eweek, January 10, 2005

An Opportunity for IT – Eweek, September 20, 2004

Ramping Up for Real time: Roundtable Moderator– Best’s Review, February 2004

The Gated Net Community – Eweek, October 13, 2003

Be a Bulldog IT Buyer – Eweek, June 2, 2003

Just Make It Work! – Eweek, April 21, 2003

United We Stand, Divided We Get Scammed – Eweek, November 5, 2001

Software Struggle: Does this Stuff Really Work? – NJIT Magazine, Fall 2001

Stranded Off the Information Highway – Eweek, June 11, 2001

How to Read the Road Map to E-Payoff – Eweek, April 30, 2001

Website Traffic: Why it’s so Important – Eweek, February 26, 2001

Is E-Mail a Friend or Foe of E-Business? – Eweek, November 6, 2000

Management 101 for E-Development Teams – Eweek, October 2, 2000

They’re All Out to Get US, I Tell You – Eweek, August 7, 2000

The Net at Work: Unsafe at Any Speed? – Eweek, June 26, 2000

Managing Yourselves: It’s About Time – Eweek, May29, 2000

Recless Driving on the Web: Application Development – Eweek, April 17, 2000

A Few Good Vendors: Is that asking for Too Much? - PC Week, February 14, 2000

Myths Surround E-Commerce Capabilities – Best’s Review, February 2000

Staffing Backup: “What, Me Worry?” – PC Week, December 6, 1999

The Answer to E-Chaos: The E-Group! – PC Week, September 20, 1999

Linux’s Existential Moment – PC Week, June 14, 1999

Back to the Art of (IT) Negoiation – PC Week, April 19, 1999

You’re in the Middle of a Disaster – PC Week, March 1, 1999

Interview: 20 Trends Defining the Electronic Future – Best’s Review P/C, January 1999

E-Mail: The Silent Killer of Productivity – PC Week, December 14, 1998

IT Needs to be sent to a Guidance Counselor – PC Week, Novmber 9, 1998

Does Your Staff Have the Right Stuff? – PC Week, October 12, 1998

Improving Your IS Skills: If it isn’t Yor Job, Whose is it? – PC Week, September 7, 1998

Upgrades, Like Politics, Are Far From an Exact Science – PC Week, August 17, 1998

Software Development: Science or Religion? - PC Week, June 22, 1998

How’s Your IT: Teetering or Leading Edge? – PC Week, May 11, 1998

Jog Your Brain When Selecting Tools – PC Week, March 23, 1998

Technical Management: An Oxymoron? – PC Week, February 23, 1998

Just Say ‘No’ to Software with Tail Fins – PC Week, January 12, 1998

ISP’s: Intermittent Service Providers – PC Week, November 24, 1997

Keep an Eye on your Technical Diet – PC Week, September 8, 1997

Take a Trip Down Software Programming Memory Lane – PC Week, July 21, 1997

Would Ewe, the CIO, like to be Cloned? – PC Week, March 24, 1997

Questioning the Fairness of Maintenance Fees – PC Week, February 24, 1997

What’s That Adage? If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix it! – PC Week, January 20, 1997

Can Your Vendor Pass A Physical? - PC Week, December 16, 1996

Internet Security: Are We Scared Yet? – PC Week, November 4, 1996

Gearing Up for the 1990s Hiring Wars – PC Week, October 7, 1996

Of Vanity, Inventive Job Titles, and IT – PC Week, July 22, 1996

Business Decisions and Peer Pressure – PC Week, June 24, 1996

Putting an End to IS Bashing – PC Week, June 3, 1996

Getting Off the Upgrade Treadmill – PC Week, April 29, 1996

Welcome the Class of Certified IS Execs – PC Week, April 1, 1996

Mainframe’s Unfair maintenance Rap – PC Week, February 26, 1996

Taking Stock of the Development Kitchen – PC Week, January 29, 1996

Get with the Trend: Wear the Right Hat – PC Week, December 18, 1995

The New Spin on Recycling Code – PC Week, December 4, 1995

Desktop’s Politically Incorrect Battle – PC Week, October 30, 1995

For Vendors, OS means Old Story, not Operating System – PC Week, May 8, 1995

Once Upon a Time, There was a Mainframe – PC Week, September 4, 1995

OOPs, I’m in a $GL, So get off my CASE

System Development, January 1992

Information Week, October 21, 1991

Applications Development: A Guide through the Maze of Tools & Methods (Lorentzen & Tinnirello)

         Mainframe Journal, February 1989

         Computerworld, February 24, 1986

Those Maintenance Blues, Executive Roundtable, Computerworld, June 29, 1987

Users Find Problems with 4GL Tools – Computerworld, August 26, 1985

Making A Sensible 4GL Selection, - Computer Decisions, July 30, 1985

Software Maintenance in Fourth Generation Language Environments

       Data Management, March 1985

       AFIPS Conference Proceeding NCC 1984

Improving Software Maintenance Attitudes

        Handbook of Systems Management, Auerbach 1990

        Mainframe Journal, November/December 1987

        Unisphere , October 1987

        Computer Programming Management, Auerbach, March 1986

        System Development Management, Auerbach 1985

        DataPro Software Solutions, March 1984

       AFIPS Conference Proceeding NCC 1983


Quoted / Interviewed : Podcasting: An Enterprise Hit – Eweek, October 2, 2006

Reader Feedback – EWeek, May 16, 2005. Page 32

Quoted / Interviewed : Lax Security in Software Hurts Vendors, Customers - Eweek, March 14, 2005

Quoted / Interviewed: Taking Care of Business - Best’s Review, page 38, Decmeber 2004

Quoted / Interviewed : Can Microsoft Grow Up? - Eweek, April 12, 2004

Quoted / Interviewed : Oracle, We’re Still Focused on Database Development - Eweek, July 28, 2003

Quoted / Interviewed : This Week - Eweek, June 23, 2003

Quoted / Interviewed : 200, Takes Toll on IT Budgets - Eweek, December 27, 2001

Reader Feedback – EWeek, May 12, 2003, Page 40

Quoted / Interviewed: Thinking Like A Terrorist - Eweek, October 22, 2001

Quoted / Interviewed: Users cool to new Microsoft Licensing Plans - Eweek, October 1, 2001

Reader Feedback – PC Week, March 20, 2000. Page 60

Reader Feedback – Information Week, June 28, 1999, Page 8

Quoted / Interviewed: PCs face inroads from Mobile Devices – ComputerWorld, November 23, 1998

Quoted / Interviewed: Users Warming up to sub $1000 PCs – Computerworld, August 3, 1998,

Quoted / Interviewed: Digitals in fold, but Hard Work Remains – Computerworld February 16, 1998

Reader Feedback – PC Week, July 1, 1996, Page E3

Quoted / Interviewed: Dear Vendor – Beyond Computing, December 1995

Reader Feedback – Beyond Computing, September 1995, Page 8

Quoted / Interviewed: Grow Your Own – PC Week, July31, 1995

Quoted / Interviewed: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel – PC Week, July 24, 1995

Reader Feedback – Viewpoints – PC Week, June 26, 1995, Page E3

Reader Feedback – Corporate Computing, June/July 1992, Page 15

Quoted / Interviewed: Software upkeep seldom seen as vital corporate asset – Computerworld, May 13, 1985